Workshop (EN)



Dive into the world of sound branding with our interactive workshop. Designed to work intensively, cooperatively, and under professional moderation in small groups, this workshop provides comprehensive insights into the methods, potentials, and evaluation tools necessary for the successful integration of sound in brand development. Experience how sound architecture can bring your brand to life through the conveyance of best practice examples and practical applications.



Introduction to the current knowledge about sound architecture, supplemented by practical application examples.

Exploration of the fundamentals of sound branding and its impact on brand identity.


Deepening of knowledge through working on specific case studies illustrating the use of sound in shaping brands.

Group activities to apply learned concepts practically and develop own sound branding strategies.


The Sound Branding Workshop enables you to assess and utilize sound as a crucial driver for your brand. Learn to consciously perceive sound, understand the language of music, and compose more effective sound briefings. Recognize the psychological impact of sound, gain insights into rights management, and learn to control costs. This workshop imparts the necessary knowledge and skills to profitably implement sound applications, avoid major pitfalls, and motivate customers to desired actions through sound branding elements.

„This workshop really pushed me to the next level.“

Dr. Gabriele Sauberer

Terminology & Translation Management

Upcoming Dates

Vienna, Wednesday 5. June 2024


Vienna, Austria


09:30 Arrival & Welcome Coffee
10:00 Aktuelles Theoriewissen
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 State of the Art
15:00 Peer Group & Wrap Up
16:00 Closing


€ 490,00 (excl. VAT)

Registration & further information

+43 660 9 654321


See you at our next workshop!